The Throne Room

The room slowly crystalized in my mind – the chamber spread before me so vast I could not see the far end.  A cloud of fog, and perhaps smoke, distorted the far ends of the room.  An altar was just ahead of me, centered in the cavernous hall, and smoke rose from the offerings on top, flames flickered in the depths.  An aroma of incense wafted from the smoke and floated up and up, reaching, I realized, the foot of a throne.  I could hardly grasp the enormity of this throne.  The based filled the space behind the altar, and it was this that the fog and smoke concealed.  I strained my neck back trying to see where the throne ended.  I could not see the top, and I thought it must reach the very heavens themselves.  This was not some cavernous hall: it was a throne room of such proportions my human brain could not grasp the height or depth or width of this space. 


Thunder rumbled far above my head, and I saw lightning flash within the dense clouds of fog and smoke.  I peered into the clouds but could discern no more of the throne, but then the clouds began to sitr.  The smoke and incense swirled past me fluttering my hair and making my eyes water.  What looked like storm clouds began shifting and mysterious forms began moving from the edges of the room.  Massive beings with wings that seemed to stretch to the clouds of lightning emerged from the fog.  I could not see their faces as they were covered by yet more wings, nor could I see their shapes as wings covered their bodies and legs.  I was an ant to these giants.  They moved toward the throne stopping before they passed the altar. 


A low sound, like the clang of a gong echoed through the throne room.  More gongs echoed rising in pitch and blending together.  Words began to harmonize, “Holy.”  Other voices echoed, “Holy, holy, holy.”  Each word pounded in my chest list a drum beat.  “Holy is the LORD God of Armies.  Holy is the LORD.  His glory fills the whole earth.” 


Seven torches as tall as the giants flamed to life between the altar and the throne.  Rumbles of thunder underscored the majestic song.  The light from the torches flickered off a sea of liquid glass spreading out from the base of the throne.  I realized I could not have drawn any closer had I wanted.  As it was, I was frozen right at the entrance.  My heart was pounding, whether in fear or awe I could not tell. 


The music continued, “Holy, holy, holy.  Holy is the LORD God Almighty who was, who is, and who is to come.”  My legs buckled and I fell to my knees.  I could no longer stand the pounding gong of the beings’ voices.  My heart ached with their song.  A soft breeze swirled around me before flowing across the room.  Tears streamed down my face as I bowed my face to the floor, “I am unworthy,” I cried, “How can You stand to let me before You?” 


A voice rang out, “Blessing and honor and glory and power to the one who was slain, the Lamb of God who sits on the throne.  You purchased your people with your own blood.  They are yours forever.” 


The breeze returned whirling through the torch flames, shooting them higher.  The wind brought the scent of incense closer, and a soft voice whispered in my ear, “You are mine.  I have chosen you.  You are my beloved child.  You are precious, and I love you.”


I remained bowed low, “Lord, what would you have me do?”


The soft voice replied, “Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.”


Trembling, I asked, “What if I get it wrong?”


He replied, “I will never leave you.  I am as close as your next breath.  Do not be afraid.”  As the whisper spoke, a rainbow began arching across the vast expanse of the throne room.  The voice continued, “Now, go and tell others of all you have seen and heard.  And remember, I am with you now and for always.” 


Slowly, I opened my eyes, expecting to be in the presence of the Most High in His throne room, but I was alone.  Just then a soft breeze rippled across my skin and through my hair, and I smiled.




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