Solid Foundation.

The name of the LORD is a strong tower;

the righteous run to it and are safe.

Proverbs 18:10 (NIV84)


I am terrible at memorizing Scripture.  I can do a decent paraphrase and know where to look for a verse, but ask me to tell you a verse word-for-word, and it's not likely to happen.  The advent of Bible apps with these excellent search features makes my difficulties with memorizing even less of an issue.  If I manage to memorize a verse, do not expect me to tell you which chapter or verse it is.  For several years, a close friend and I memorized verses together.  I'd do all the tricks and still not hold the verse entirely in my memory once we moved on to a new verse (even with going back to review).


We’re told that it’s so important to memorize God’s word.  You can carry it with you wherever you go.  It can guide you when you don’t have access to a Bible.  I do not disagree.


However, I would argue that I hold God's word in my heart despite my memorization skills.  I understand the intention.  I allow it to shape and change my heart and my life.  My actions and interactions can be guided by God's word, even if I don't memorize the verses.  A person could memorize the whole Bible, but if she didn’t let it into her heart, what would be the point?  


I read Scripture every day, a practice I formed in my high school years.  I do in-depth study (regularly, but not every day), because that's my bread and butter; I look at words, concepts, and culture.  I talk to God about His word.  By turn, I allow the Holy Spirit's conviction and confirmation through the avenue of the Bible.  God's word is awe-inspiring and exciting to me.  


Why this fascination with the word?  Psalm 119:11 tells us, "I have treasured your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you" (CSB).  God's instructions for our lives come from His living word that is Holy Spirit-inspired and able to teach, rebuke, correct, and train in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16).  God might not say directly to accept a particular job or marry a specific person, but He tells me how to live my life, do my work, and be in relationship with others.   


Psalm 1:2 says, "…his delight is in the Lord's instruction, and he meditates on it day and night" (CSB).  We have to make time for God to speak to us through His word.  We have to spend time digesting His word and letting it transform our hearts.  We do need to know what the word of God says, even if you don’t have it memorized.  


Jesus, as the Living Word, reveals God to us.  The words on the pages of the Bible serve as a tangible witness to God as well.  Many people recorded these words over many years, but the Holy Spirit inspired every word.  They serve as the foundation for our lives, our identities, and our faith.


What are you making your foundation?  What are you giving your time to?  Social media posts? Criticisms?  Netflix binges?  The whole where-your-heart-is-there-your-treasure-will-be (Matt. 6:21) idea completely applies here.  What are you giving your heart to?  Is it God?  Are you allowing His Word to infiltrate every facet of your life? 


I don't know about you, but I know I have some work to do.  My foundation gets shaken far too easily sometimes.  I'll believe lies about myself or God or have my reality get shaken.  I have to focus on what is real and true, and, to do that, I have to go back to the word.  Make God's word your foundation, your standard for truth and reality, and you will have a solid rock on which to stand.

Challenge for the Week:

Consider joining me for a 7-day Psalm 119 reading plan.  You can find it under the “Study Guides” tab.  If you are already doing a Bible reading plan, feel free to continue with that, and then by the end of the 7-days, reflect on the following questions.

·       What did you learn about the word of God? 

·       What did you learn about God? 

·       How did focusing on the word of God impact your relationship with God? 

·       What changes did you notice in your thoughts throughout the day as a result of focusing on God’s word?  



Sustaining Rhythms.

