September Series 2020

Welcome to our four-part September series, where we will examine Sanctuary, Sabbath, Solid Foundation, and Sustaining Rhythms.


The fall is the beginning of the year for me as a teacher.  It is a season of energy, creativity, and relationship building. Paradoxically though, this is also the start of autumn, a time for harvesting, slowing down, and preparing for winter.  Nature isn't speeding up right now; it's slowing down for winter's rest.


This balance of energy and rest inspired the September Series.  Fall is a season of productivity, but we can only produce when we have a secure sanctuary, work from a place of rest, cling to a solid foundation, and sustain rhythms of faith and life.


You are invited to join me this month as we explore these themes and pursue God in rest and in activity. 




Justice & Righteousness : Honor & Generosity Part II