I Am

Read: Genesis 3; John 18


Once upon a time we dwelt in a garden.  It was a place of beauty, purpose, and perfection. 


Until it wasn’t. 


We made a choice and then hid in fear and shame.  We had walked in full communion with God. 


Until we didn’t. 


Our choices separated us from the One who is Life.  Our choices exiled us from the garden we called home.

Long years later, another Man stood in another garden.  This garden was far from perfect.  It was a place of pain and sorrow. 


The Man knew all that would happen; He had pleaded with His Father that it be otherwise.  Yet, all would come to pass, as the Man well knew.


Whom do you seek?


We sought the so-called King because He couldn’t possibly be the One we had waited for since the garden.  He had to be an impostor, a charlatan. 


But He wasn’t.


We had hidden from God in shame.  We didn’t realize that we had so broken communion, that we could not recognize the Savior.  Our blindness did not make Him any less the light, though.


I Am.


We sought the One who gave us false hope.  Where was the King we had been promised?


I Am.


We sought Jesus of Nazareth and welcomed Him to His death with a kiss.


I Am.


Our knees buckled beneath us.  We could do nothing less than fall to the ground, faces bowed before this Man.  But He’s no king.


But He was. 


I Am.


He was the Word who spoke life into existence. 


I Am the Life.


He was the Voice in the burning bush. 


I Am the Way.


He was the Fire and the Cloud in the wilderness.


I Am the Light.


He was the babe in a manger. 


I Am the Truth.


He was the builder and the teacher. 


I Am the Shepherd.


He was the miracle-worker. 


I Am the Bread.


He is the crucified One.


I Am the Gate.


He is resurrected One.


I Am the Resurrection.


He will be the One before whom every knee will bend because He is the King of Kings.  And He gave us just a glimpse of His majesty one night in a garden long ago.


The Alpha and the Omega


The True Vine